How do your sessions work?

The beauty of making music at the moment is that it’s possible to make it pretty much anywhere, so my sessions are flexible to your needs and budget. I offer a small space with a selection of mics, synths and other cool toys to track small productions or demos, but am happy to visit other sites and adapt to your ideal set-up. I can also offer sessions at Hackney Road Studio and Goldsmiths Music Studios for larger projects.

I’m always happy to discuss budget/rates in order to fit your project and make it achievable, whether it’s using field recorders in a shed or using the Neve room at Hackney Road. Get in touch to find out more!

How much are your rates? What if I’m on a tight budget?

Because I offer services as a live engineer, studio engineer, audio recordist and editor, I have quite a wide range of rates. These are all subject to change depending on how much work is involved, my level of expertise, deadlines etc.

That being said, I always try to take at least 1-2 concessionary jobs every month, where I offer discounted rates to events/artists that might not be able to hire me otherwise. Historically I’ve offered one-off low live engineering rates for charity events or debut headliners who are at the start of their career. It’s really expensive being a creative, so I’ll always try to support people in furthering their hard work where I can. In short - please don’t let a lack of funds stop you from getting in touch!

When is the right time to get in touch?

Whenever you’re ready!

Lots of people worry that their song needs to be completely finished before getting in touch, but that’s absolutely not the case. Lots of wicked accidents happen in the process of recording that can influence the direction your music takes, so you don’t need to have it all figured out. As soon as you’re ready to share and develop it - you’re ready!

How can I check out more of your work?

You can check my credits to see some of the projects I’ve been a part of so far, but the best way to keep up with what I’m up to at the moment is to check out my Instagram

What’s up with your sample packs?

As part of my production practice, I regularly go for “sound hunts” to find cool new noises to sample and use in my work. Whether it’s traffic, slamming doors, snatches of conversations or bikes passing, I love working with samples that no-one else has! And now you can too, without all the work of finding them!

Every month I release a new limited set of samples for you to use freely in your own work, all you need to do is sign up below!